Thursday, October 26, 2006

IF Update: Day #34 (Eating)

It seems I'm stuck. 191.1 lbs this morning with 14.1% body fat last night. I even did 1 hour of Yoga and 15 minutes of interval running on Day #32 without seeing any progress. Even though my physique is much improved, I still have some fat around my midsection that needs to go. If the fat won't move in the next couple of weeks, I'm going to add protein shakes to my fasting days and try to put on more muscle.

In the meantime, I'll try to behave myself on my diet a little better. The fasting days are easy and something I even look forward to, but I let too much sugar creep back into my eating days.

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At 7:42 PM, Blogger Cindy Moore said...

I've been doing IF also and have noticed also a creep upwards in my carb intake on eating days. I'm going to start sticking with plan when eating but still continue the fasting.

Are you finding the fasting easier each time? I certainly am!

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Hap Moorii said...

The fasting days have always been fairly easy for me, but they've definitely become easier over this first month. In truth, I've found the social pressure to eat to be a bigger issue than my body wanting me to eat. I've solved that by fasting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to avoid a fasting day on the weekend and by never skipping dinner unless I feel like my body needs a kick-start.

Glad to hear you're trying out the plan. Keep me posted on your progress.


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