Ionic Breeze Dangerous?
Unfortunately, this revelation is news to me as I've been running 2 of Sharper Image's units in my home for the past year, one being in my son's bedroom. While I don't think there is any solid evidence on the Ionic Breeze itself, other units have been called into question in California. Even more interesting, though, is the fact that the manual actually states the following:
The Ionic Breeze®complies with U.S. safety standards for low
ozone emission (less than 50 parts per billion). We recommend that
individuals with a history of respiratory disease consult with their
doctor about possible heightened sensitivity to very low ozone.
Contrast this with the fact that Sharper Image promotes the following on its site and in its infomercials:
...Ionic Breeze is the only brand of air cleaner with the Seal of the Asthma and Allergy Association of America and the Seal of Approval and endorsement of the British Allergy Foundation (based on their independent testing).
Unfortunately, I can't find an Asthma and Allergy Assocation of America anywhere on the web, only the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Nowhere on the AAFA site do I find the Ionic Breeze mentioned. I was able to find a listing at the British Allergy Foundation, but oddly enough, it only lists cat allergen and dust mites as being removed by the unit.
It's also interesting to note that Sharper Image is now selling OzoneGuard, a product designed to remove ozone from the air. The sales pitch talks mostly about removing environmental ozone, but it also mentions removing ozone produced by the unit.
The sad fact of it is, though, that I'm confident I felt better with the unit running. It's hard to reconcile, but I don't think I'm willing to risk my lungs over it.
Labels: health care
"British Allergy Foundation Seal of Approval
- The British Allergy Foundation, now Allergy UK, says its Seal of Approval is an endorsement. A manufacturer submits a fee for new testing by an "independent scientific consultant" or a review of its own independent tests. The group says a 39-member panel of experts sets specific protocols for each product, but it would not disclose detailed information about its review protocol.
- What's more, Allergy UK states on its Web site that its endorsement does not mean that a product will necessarily reduce an allergy sufferer's symptoms."
So are you defending their seal of approval? It's hard to know from your post. Regardless, this "endorsement" sounds more like a shameless money grab designed for the benefit of the British Allergy Foundation, not for the benefit of those they claim to represent.
All the tests I've read show an ozone output of 48 ppb at 2 inches, and 18 ppb at three feet.
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